
Harris Cohn
Cohn Corporation

Harris studied at Vanderbilt University and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a major in Human and Organization Development and a minor in Computer Science. Harris serves as CEO of Cohn Corporation and oversees Cohn Development Services, Cohn Construction Services and Cohn Management Services. His responsibilities include high level strategy and counsel to each of the business leaders and provides overall direction for Cohn Corporation.

In addition to his professional duties, Harris is a strong believer in civic duty and investment in our community. A resident of the City of Columbia, Harris serves as Commissioner on the City of Columbia’s Design and Development Review Commission (DDRC).

Harris has a 15 year track record of success in real estate and leading organizations. As CEO, he remains steadfast in providing the leadership and pursuit of our founding vision to continue to grow in our ability to become the best real estate provider in our industry.